Chemcaster - The REST Web API for Cheminformatics

The Chemcaster Web API documentation is now online.

For the unfamiliar, Chemcaster is the cheminformatics Web services platform optimized for rapid creation of chemistry-focussed websites. If you're creating a website that displays and manages chemical structures, or which allows users to search a database by exact structure or substructure, Chemcaster can streamline the process by eliminating the need to maintain cheminformatics software on your servers.

The Chemcaster API uses a REST web architecture in which commands combine a Resource addressable through a unique path with one or more of the four HTTP verbs GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE.

Recently, Noel O'Boyle announced a Python API for Chemcaster. In the weeks ahead, expect to see additional native Chemcaster APIs written in Java, PHP, and Ruby.

Chemcaster is currently in testing and we're looking for developers interested in using the service to build their next application. You can learn more about Chemcaster by applying for an invitation and signing up for a free account.