Sixty-Four Free Chemistry Databases
It's been over two years since Thirty-Two Free Chemistry Databases first appeared here. The popularity of this resource has far exceeded my expectations, and continues to be one of the most highly-viewed articles on Depth-First.
But a lot has changed in the intervening two years. Many new services have appeared. Old services have evolved. New kinds of services are starting to show up. The original article is no longer the comprehensive guide it once was.
It's time for an updated guide to free chemistry databases and other resources on the Web.
Creating this kind of guide is a job so big that by the time it's complete, it's time to write a new one.
So this time I'm trying something different. Rather than waiting until every entry is finished before publishing, the guide will be written and published one review at a time.
The venue will also be different. Instead of installments and the final guide appearing here, they will appear on Zusammen under the working title Sixty-Four Free Chemistry Databases (Serialized). Hopefully by the time I've finished, I will have come up with a better title!
If you have a database or service that you think would make a good addition to the guide, please drop me a line.