Imaging Chemical Structures with ChemPhoto: WYSIWYG Drawing Settings

Depending on the audience and medium, chemical structures can be presented in a variety of styles. Chemical structure imaging applications should make it easy to visually and/or numerically arrive at the best appearance. ChemPhoto makes it easy to get exactly the right look for your structures through what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) drawing settings.

The screenshots below illustrate the three main categories of drawing settings in ChemPhoto: Atoms; Bonds; and Images. As each setting is manipulated, the entire view is updated in real-time to reflect the changes. A set of changes can be rolled back by pressing the "Cancel" button, making it easy to undo unwanted modifications.

Turquoise Theme with Atoms Tab

Atoms Tab Large

Console Theme with Bonds Tab

Bonds Tab Large

Blueprint Theme with Images Tab

Images Tab Large